Tuesday, August 11, 2015

the people you know..

this few days..i come to realize it's important to have connections....who you know is more important that what you know....

been going through a extended family problem....to me it's just another episode to learn more things....but it's like an episode from a long winding drama..all i am telling you is..it involve illegals...runaway...immigration and higher authorities...(you know it's a deep shit case if all of this combine together)....

but oh well when people tell me not to care....can i not care?? when it involves family....?when your old folks ask you to settle it??? can i not care? but anyway...i tried my best and now the ball is not in my court so ...i am quite relieve....i have not been able to concentrate on  work and spend so much time on looking for solutions....

but i come to realize no wonder i am miss know it all...because i have to go through stuffs that people can not imagine happening..!! oh well this experience got me to know more people....and you cannot imagine that how people ...strangers..are willing to help you ...sometimes they go overboard to help you more then people that are close to you....

nota kaki : so selagi ada hayat...selagi tu lah tolong org...sebab kau mungkin takkan tau bila2 ko pulak perlu pertolongan....org kata saya terlampau..tp org itu tak tau saya begini sebab saya tau perasaan bila kekurangan....aku yg tolong knp ko yg terasa?

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