Monday, November 8, 2010

I Hate WEEKENDS (technically)

I really hate weekends so much....!!

esok lah cerita forgot memory card niko so no pics to share...!

Nota hati yg tidak malu: Berat gwe udah naik..!tapi aku suspek sebab rambut aku udah contributes to my weight gain...


Night said...

cool...okiey dong..esok sambung ceritanya...

ppong said...

merujuk kepada nota hati yg tidak pandai malu: sy harap i can say the same, tapi rambut gwe pindik dan nipis dong. kahkah!! that joke really made my day boii, haha ketawa2 me the whole day pikir ur 10kg rambut.

jenkays said...

pong:cuba kita kasi botak...aku yakin berat badan terus turun mendadak..!sdh pasti benar..!

pare:to be continued!!