Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cheers to the Great Man..!

Today is my Pa's birthday....! he turn the big 60 today....! we celebrated it last month but today is the official one...!

no words can describe or explain how much i love this guy...!!I just sms him and didn't know wat to say..(that's why i didn't call) I just sms:Happy Birthday Pa..!.. He answered: TQ... simple kan? from all i know and all i have heard...My dad is one son of a gun hehehe...! i grew up wishing my dad was a rich man...wishing he was somebody...wishing he was a prof..a YB...a SOMEBODY....but he was a simple man who seldom complain and is always helping up people despite their ungreatfullness...i couldn't understand then why he had keep on helping people even if to know they will just forget about him ...(now as i grow older i still don't understand...)

One thing that he told me about 3 years back...that really make me realize how big hearted he is..:People do things to us...say bad things about us..it's their problem...we just have to keep on being kind to them...!because it's not us to judge but God...Never give up on being kind to people and never stop doing good...!

He's not rich,
He's not a superstar,
He's not perfect..
He's nobody to the world but
He is the World to me...
Happy Birthday to En.Kalang...!
luv ya pa..!

yessssssssss..!! lepas ni best jalan2 sama ini bos...! 60 boleh dapat half price atau price org tua di entrance mana2..hehehe..jimat sikit duit aku...!!
fudnote:If i were to marry someone..i would like him to be atleast half the man my dad is..!:P


ppong said...

Hepi bday to uncle kalang!

jen: ur footnote explains why many of us yet to get married.

kukuanga said...

oyooooo... big 60!

mesti ksi on tu projek tulis buku dia tu. remind him again jen.

apa ko bagi dia jen? oooo.. ya. vietnam.

jenkays said...

pong:kan..sebab itu susah mo cari..!but i won't settle for less..

togs:aku bagi dia sms aja..!:P sudah kan kami balik utk bday dia hari tu...

ya mo kasi ingat lah dia tu mo tulis buku dia cepat2..nanti sit down with him di bario..tell a story a day

Dy said...

Happy birthday Uncle Kalang!!!! Need to reactivate his blog oso that! (at least something to satisfy our "hunger" for his stories sementara wait for his book) :)