Monday, February 22, 2010

The Hardest Climb Ever..

Yes i am back from the climb...and i am speechless..cos i don't know what to feel...if you ask was a solo trip as i was no never walking just hiking....most of the time i was hiking alone...

i was short of 1.6km...but it's ok..i am proud of myself for doin the extra 1km to sayat2 when i said i didn't want to go...catching the sunrise at sayat2 and seeing the clouds below my feet and being frozen was the best ever feelin...(sbenarnya activity d sayat2 yg gila2 was the best ever..)
aku akui susah betul mo naik gunung kinabalu ni..!! ada times can feel as if you could sweat blood...
accomplishment of a life time:
1. Hike up a mountain dengan terpaksa
2.Solo hiking most of the time...(byk mencarut2..i think my favourite word was SHIT!!!..)
3.Push myself to the very limit when i din't want to..(i would if i could...but sayat2 is already ok)
4.berkenalan dengan org2 yang tidak kenal...lepak2 (berpeluk2 pun ada...sejuk punya pasal hehehe)
fuh sekarang macam best...boleh cakap aku sudah naik gunung kinabalu..ko bila lagi wakakakaak..!! (bagi lah sikit peluang utk aku brag...!!)
and now i am back in reality world with 2 sore feets and muscular legs with blisters all over my toes...! syabas.. Jane...Syabas...U did it..!!( jgn korang pernah ungkit 1.6km tu k...p lah hike atas dengan badan besar yg kurang bersenam and tell me about it...)
something i have to admit too...ada adegan2 yg i rasa i memang mo sit down and just cry...memang don't want to go on give up..but macam every KM i just say a friend's name and anggap itu org siking up my to carry on...YOU CAN DO IT...YOU CAN DO IT...
p/s i bought a tshirt of the trial di airport KK yesterday..sekarang baru tau maksud memakai baju itu..and sangat bangga sebab sudah pernah try...
Notes: bila turun dari gunung i rasa mcm mau makan byk2 minum byk2...(knp ah?)


Dy said...

WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (cannot kasi big kah the font for comment this???) hehehhehe... BANGGA eh me ngan ko jane!!!! You go girl!!!! :)

jenkays said...

i am still speechless and in a dazz...did i really climb!!!