Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kelate Darul... Epi 2

Hitting the Road.....

first hour we were all decent...after that it was down hill...hunger keep on pounding on our large capacity of tanks inside of us...the trip home was insane...!! singing top of our lungs...and feelin emotions when the songs changes...but all and all it was fun..!! although more towards insanity..!! kita ok bah kan..kita ni ok...!! :P

sunrise laughters

Ini hanya akan terjadi bila a group of people spend much time together and really know each other...bangun pukul 6am utk menikmati sunrise dan memperagakan aneka aksi..tanpa di sedari ramai org disekeliling melihat...(serius..i didn't know byk org di pantai sehingga sesi berakhir after 1 hour hahaha)..dan ternyata tarikkan makanan lebih hebat dari pada mandi laut hahahaa...


I think we spend most of our time eating...trying out new food...but it's true a full stomach make a person happy...and we all like to be happy together...and when we are together we eat a lot...!! serius man..lots...tia tau lah kalo ada org lain boleh join kita macam ni...! asal suka makan mesti boleh jadi geng kan...! hahaha..but i can't forget the day org tambah2 lauk di wedding org..!! wedding food crashers...!! tapi i still long for the beef dish di kenduri mimi hari tu..!! oh no.!!! tell you all the truth i have never eaten nasi kerabu before in my life...but after kelantan ..I rasa i LIKE it...!! but maybe it's just the company kan ...org2 yang kita enjoy being with while kita makan..yg tidak sedap boleh menjadi sedap!!.. w/pun ada argument tentang kuih mana yg sedap..!! actualy guys aku rasa aku boleh makan smua kuih2 hari tu..tapi sebab dipengaruhi oleh comment2 korang terus tia jadi habis kan wakakakaka...!! sedap juga bah tu.!!

All about Dawn

Byk pulak's to you glams...i say it best when i say nothing at all..! you are loved..:P..(babe..i still can't believe you sang delilah..!! terganggu betul me sampai hari ni )!!(fread,aku kurang berani buat ko punya hahahaa...takut org geli tengok !!!)


kukuanga said...

aku surf cari makanan vietnam, and i ended up lapar... astaga..

sorry (unrelated) sama post.

jenkays said...

knp harus makan..!! kihkihkih to enjoy kan mare..! vietnam mo meehoon sup sama beef ball saja lah..!!

jenkays said...

mare..mana gambar??my version teda my gambar...!!!

kukuanga said...

aduh, mare.. sorry, i intend to post the pics.. sampai sekarang blm upload.. aku memang lembab sikit lah.. as you knew.. heeee..

jenkays said...

take ur time..tapi jgn pulak lepas next trip baru ko buat post tentang kelantan ni hehehehe

lv said...

all things uninteresting becomes superbly interesting when they're enjoyed together with our favourite ppl, huh!! nice trip u all had there, cam best!

jenkays said...

you said it best LV...actually i think if we had gone individually i think we would say it was a boring place...sampai nama2 jalan n tempat pun boleh membuat suasana funny...driving 6 hours seem a short journey...
not forgetting adegan menukar2 baju di petronas..(only us 4 tau wat happenned)