Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reflecting on Life...!!

Selalu nya masa...masalah...gangguan...fikiran...emosi...mengubah kita punya life....

mungkin once we were strong...once we found our true love...once we know in everything that matters we have some one to turn back too...!! someone that we can intrust our life to...

tp sekarang i gotta admit perasaan itu sudah makin pudar..kadang2 boleh cakap perasaan itu sudah tiada...!! kadang-2 hati ini mau lupa apa yang di lalui all this years....semua itu bagaikan cerita dongeng...tapi cerita-2 itu lah membuat me kuat selama ini...!! mungkin byk perkara dalam hati yang buat hati ini tidak mau percaya lagi...!! tapi deep down masih lagi hanging utk berharap..!! Masih lagi ingin percaya...masih lagi ingin ...ingin...dan ingin...

Ajar aku untuk mempunyai hati yang baru...!!Ajar lah aku jatuh cinta lagi...!!


kukuanga said...

i keep on reminding myself jen, not to let go of faith that he cares for me. He loves me. too often times, i doubted. how can we really be sure of something we can't even see?

how can he says he loves me but, still my life is engulf in loneliness and silence and heartaches and dissapointment? he must be kidding me!

but, then... how can i not love him? when, he's the only thing, real to me. whom i truly believe, for eternity i will spend with... so, what's a few more years to endure?

therefore, i won't let him go. i refuse to fall out of love..

i have no choice but to fall in love with him, again.. and again... and again.. and...

it's a matter of choice jen..or, so i believe.

jenkays said...

macam teda pilihan kan togou...!! macam mana mo percaya ni...tapi percaya saja kan ..!!

Dy said...

Reminds me of sunday school song:

Ku jatuh cinta padanya
Dalam dan dalamnya
Dalam dan dalam lagi

More like the pit gets more dalam! Haha... but as the pit gets more dalam.. the dasar gets dalam-er... thus... the love as well.

jenkays said...

aku ingat ko mo cakap lagu MATTA: JAtuh cinta lagi..itu jak i know...hahaa
lamak bah tinggalkan sunday sikul hahaha..got to ask noel lah to teach me..!

can i say this? I SUCK at this so call love life!!really suck!!!!!

kukuanga said...

hahaahahhaha! lagu Matta... adaka.. (mun mek di bangi sia, dah kita 2 pigi karok kan jen.... heee)

jenkays said...

hahaha mun kitak di sitok dah lamak mek embak kitak...tapi ok lah juak

DC10 said...

... you're the love of my life.. you're the song of my morning... mmg this love sj yg real... :) 'he gave his best to us... so it's only right when we give him our best...' feelings... so dangerous sometimes kan... tapi mmg btl... tidak pernah dibiarkan kita sendirian :) (wpun that's what it feels like at times... tapi rest assured... walau apapun kita rasa... he's the same great wonderful friend, love of our lives)

jenkays said...

woitt..u kick my heart...!