Tuesday, November 25, 2008

wishing that you could fly away...

Bet sometimes we all have that frustrated feelling inside of us masa kerja.... buat-buat kerja tapi tidak ada kesudahan...work just keep pilling up...semacam the never ending story...

Susah-2 buat...org lain kena puji...paling teruk lagi if itu org kawan sendiri....Sucks...but well wat to do...apa juga mau di puji kan...bukan naik gaji juga ...hehehe...suddenly teringat kejadian last week...after months of hardwork..sleepless nite...kadang teary moments pun ada...but tak pa lah...got to just flush this feelin...not all the time we get to do wat we like right..!!! kita kerja utk dapat duit...bayar hutang...utk isi perut...tak kerja tak makan hehehee...so have to go to WORK...!!even if we have to drag ourself to work...happy Working k...
Just enjoy the blue skies in ourlife...kadang2 bagus juga pause a little while and look up at the sky...kadang-2 kelabu..kadang gelap mau hujan..tapi remember the times yang ada blue skies...it will just make u realise hidup ini tidak selalu gloomy...ada juga good days...

nota kaki: if we had wings...we would be lazy to fly too...!!!;P


Dy said...

"if one is lazy to work, don't eat"

hehehe... quoted from somewhere - hope didnt misquote it.

Betul jugak lah jane, memang sometimes, just gotta drag ourselves to work, but we've got responsibilities to carry and we're not getting younger by day. kan? kan?

hard to understand those who decline a job offer, just coz the boss is a horrid man.

tiapalah teda pujian geng... upahmu besar di.....

kukuanga said...


hi jane... ko ni.. malas2..kena kasi berenti baru tau..

jenkays said...

mau kena berhenti lah sudah ni...hahaha..dari 5 tahun lepas mo berhenti hahaha...tidak bah togou just the feelin of tireness of being push around by people is sucking the life out of me...

Nota kaki:who said life was fair kan..???