Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Plan yang dahsyat tapi CUTE...Part II


just wanted to update...kesudahan nyer the guys akur dengan plan the girls...utk makan kat luar ahhahaha....(tak boleh tahan tu..statement ..kalau makan kat luar anytime boleh kluar hahhahaha) So, we went to a place call Village View, Kajang...first time lah katakan...ok juga lah that place..hope the guys were happy...and forget about the main masak2 thingy hahaha....

Nota kaki: Bob terharu weiii....sampai status pagi ni Terima kasih sahabat


mawar said...

agak terharu gak aa~ haha ;)org2 yg plan cute,plan yg dibuat juga kucing gemuk kat Nim's Little Island.rite babe?? hahaha

jenkays said...

yeshh..kuching tu memang cute..!!! rasa nak peluk-2 jer...hahaha..babe,terharu ker plan cute tu?hahhaa..gonna miss them u know...