Wednesday, September 18, 2013

there's something missing in life....

as every second turn to minutes..and minutes turn to hours...and hours turn to days...days to weeks....etc....
the next thing you know it's SEPTEMBER....!!! then when you realize ask yourself a cliché question: what have you accomplish for the year???....why don't we think as "human being" and ask MANY Liters of BEER or Alcohols that you consume this year???? (LOL) or HOW MANY friends you took out to piggout this year???HOW many KGs you piled up this year????
call me crazy but I just want to be upnormal...UP normal...the up of the normal...!! I just can't wait for the year to end as it is means the one long year of my sabbatical of travelling... ( now where did I put my passport again?)....last year today...i was in seoul.. and it was a trip for the soul that I learned a lot...after that trip i decided to take a furlough from trips....reasons where because of financial constrained and "stuffs"...and I am glad I did it...some people may not understand why... but the whole year not travelling and not being with friends...taught me lots too...and I tell you...there's a part of me missing !! the more I with held myself...made me want to travel the world...!! I should do the travel the world in 80 days thingy....
so it's almost a year not travelling... these are randomness things that I thought of:
  1. Life....there is more to life (cliché)
  2. Work... how much I hate it...but it is better than (maybe) 50% of the population of the world...!!hence work is good for now....
  3. Financially... with lots of mouth to feed...and I am contemplating of early retirement at 40...not long to wait...
  4. A holiday....I am planning something but I just don't know what yet hahahaha...but most of all I wanna travel... travel round the world and meet more people....!!
  5. Life...yes thinking what is it that I want to do with my life.....
so that's it folks....the something missing in life... so far might be...:
a break....
and a nice work out.....
(oh and I miss my Chiro is running low so I am skipping meeting her for 2 months hehehe)


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