Wednesday, March 20, 2013

is it just another ordinary day...?

today seems to be an odinary workday full of meetings....i was in the middle of chairing a meeting just now when i received a mesej saying that someone we know had just lost her mother...her mother had cancer and lost the long battle i stop to look at my phone...there was a sad feeling coming through my heart...but as i put down my phone...i continue with the meeting....and as usually had a long winding meeting...and whatsaps messenges seems to have change so everyone were getting on with their lives....

as i walk in back to my room i still felt sorry for that friend...and i hope that she will get through this time of sorrow soon...and it's not fair to say that everything is ok...because it's not....and i hope that every question  that she has in her heart and head will not let her down....I pray that God gives her and her family strenght as they face times like they say their goodbyes to their mother...

as i go through today...wishing that everyone have a nice and great day...knowing that it's always not as it....and we can only hope for it....i pray that one day we will get answers for questions we asked...

it's not an ordinary day today....everyday is a be blessed!!!

Footnote: I missed being me....being me that people think that things are always ok....most of all i miss being able to fly away

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