Sunday, September 4, 2016


There are things that at the beginning we dislike to do...we dread to do it...but as time goes by it becomes a routine and you feel that it's something you are use to do...

The journey of life is full of uncertainty... sometimes you think you got things right...Moses thought he had the right road and in the end took 40 years...
I had a conversation recently with my niece I said let's pray and ask Jesus to help us....she answered...Jesus cannot help He is stuck on the cross at struck me that sometimes we always say we believe God holds everything and we trust Him to give us strenght and show us the way...but why do we still doubt HIM...I am grateful for all the things in life...for all the ups and down...and I am glad for the journey of life with HIM...whom I trust and hope...and I am shock that sometime as we go through hard times in life we tend to bark at people...without knowing we shoot down people...i too now recently learned to just ignore a little people with sharp tongue...yes it hurts a little bit more in the heart...but we'll the wounds will heal...and we learn to move on...
Don't get me wrong...this is just a little rant of the heart...I am living in my prime now...having most of the best things in life... (life is not great) but...I am enjoying life is a hassle...but I enjoy my new profound confidence are a bliss and being hugs and missed by the kids even if I step out to go to the is short..but day by day i learn to count my blessings...everything when I reach a roadblock I just laugh it off and say well I have 2 property in my has been well because maybe I choose to be well..I choose to do things no matter what people say...well being able to be a blessing is my forte...and makes me happy..not being able to do things for people means I am useless....slowly slowly the Lord unveils....

Tuhan, terima kasih kerana memberi peluang kedua dan ketiga. Tolong kami mengikuti jalan-Mu dan terus taat kepada-Mu.

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