Sunday, July 26, 2015

Perception VS Reality

At times when we watch people around us...or people we know...can't deny that we will sometimes have the little amount of jealousy...a squirt of envyness over welm our heart...we can't help it to want what others have....richness...good life...prosperous life....i too am human when i see people who are able to just splurge on anything they want to...and do anything they want to, whenever they want to...

But i suddenly thought of people perception towards others vs the reality...

Personally our perceptions towards people also might be the opposite of reality...

people might look at me and say lucky i am to have

1. a stable job...
2. Properties...
4. to be able to travel....
5. no responsibility or commitments as i am single

and maybe more....

1. yeah i have a stable job which pays peanuts...and is also sucking the life out of me...(but oh well it put food on the table and pay stuffs)
2, WHAT PROPERTIES???? it comes with a long morgage ok...bayar sampai mati..itu pun kalau hidup lama
3.Money?? frankly speaking no cash flow...cos i owe money to get money..and yes sometimes i borrow money to lend to people....
4. Travelling...Credit goes up
5.I will curse and spit at you if you say this to me....!!! I have a truck load of people on my shoulder that i need to and nite...but oh well i try to think they are blessings that God gave me to care for...

oh well everyone have the right to their opinion on things...there are lots of things that bothers me...its just how you take thinks...when you have lemons make ice lemon tea...

well i too am only human...and i have feelings and limitations too...but i know that the road i am taking is the road i chose to ride i don;t blame anyone on what i face..but i just can't stand some F*(#king people who talks with their butt.......and some who hidup ini hanya menyusahkan hidup org saja...aku tak cakap hidup aku lebih susah or better then yours..

#notetoself:semua org pun susah...cuma kau pikir sendiri la hidup ini Tuhan pinjam kan saja pandai lah kau pikir macam mana mau hidup...!!!

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