Monday, August 27, 2012

a handfull of friendship....

as i ponder...i hope i have a handfull of friends that i can count on....

*obviously....selalu dipengaruhi oleh cerita2 "karut" korea hahahhaha....i am in the midst of watching "a gentlement's dignity....." maybe to some it's not really a good story...but made me ponder and made my heart "jitters" (is it wat you call when you feel something tingling in a sad way in your heart)

to make story's about a bunch of guys who are best friends and who have been through lots's kinda romantic Com actually..makes you cry and laugh at the same time.... as i am towards the ending of the drama....made me think i really have this handfull of people who will be at my side during sunshine or even when storms comes...and even if my world fall... and will i be that little handfull as a friend to we get older....or advancement in the age we are in...things tends to pile up...responsibility increases....people around us get older and weaker....and we ourself become weaker in body..

as friends when we laugh we laugh together...but hopefully as a friend when you cry i can't cry for you but maybe make stupid jokes to cheer you up even though i know that even i would not laugh...and when a friend feels the weight of the world on his or her shoulders...not that i can take tat away but maybe just listening and being there would make the heart feel better even if it is for a second....

there was a time when i had a conversation with a friend that if anything was to happen to her family i promise that i will be there to rush to her i watch the drama...when one of them was at the most grieving time...the rest rush to his side despite knowing the consequenses as they help him dress up for his wife's funeral....!! how much i hope that we would never face things in our life as hard as this...but can't deny things are goin to happen and things will happen...may it be job...

as for the long raya break...i was with families...and some i have not seen for years...i realised that i really have grown older and should be times people put high hope on us...we should be able to live up to expectation...

i was back for my maternal great grandmother's 100th Birthday..and they keep saying that she has live thru 3 big World i look at her and she still can recognize me as i walk in the ballroom...i was touch...(as a big drama i will always be like a star LOL as usually i was late for the party because of my flight delay...but as i walk in they said she recognize me instantly...!) despite the last minute thngy to attend..i was glad i rush back...afterall how many family member will celebrate the 100th with you...!it was a good time catching up with families...and as usuall when family come together soalan bonus mesti di usuall i would say on the way...LOL...

 birthday girl saying a prayer before blowing her birthday candles...'
the youngest decendant and the 5th generation who will be celebrating her 1st Birthday next month...


kukuanga said...

life throw so much at us. sometime macam mau sesak nafas. family and friends pull us through.. i thank you personally for the many times you got me in a nick of a time (rasa mau give up, tetiba kena sorong balik.. hahaha!)

napa rasa mau nangis ni?

kayau said...

Certa korea mmg hebat bagi impact yg ketara juga..Hehe ngam lah jadi tema x lama lagi pg korea :)..Life goes on..we become older and hopefully become wiser too...cepatnya 30 tahun berlalu..

Dy said...

Yes, I know I've got you to crack stupid jokes when I'm down in the dumps - and for that I am thankful. I think we are blessed as we know, we DO have that handful of people who will see us through the seasons in our lives...

I wanted to cry when I saw ur great-grandma praying - such precious thing to be 100 and still... going strong!

And I still feel like crying. Huhu.. napa ah rasa mau nangis ni Gou?