we cried lots together...we've been through lots of heart breaks together too :P....we fought some other times too...and maybe disagree with most of the things now a days....
as we grew older and apart...no doubt we see less of each other..and know less of each other...but hopefully we will still be the bestest friends...
Sorry if i've been a selfish friend and a frank person... i guess i can't lie to you about anything...
so well glams...i know i can't afford a big cake for you...can't afford a fancy gift...can't afford a fancy dinner...but can we just have mushroom soup today?
Happy Birthday Me GLAMUS....! I love ya...!!
I pray that His promises will be like the dawn in the morning...which will never be too late to shine...
The bday girl wishes for a simple mee bandung....and we when up n down the whole of midvalley i think for the 4th time....in search of mee bandung...! finally found it..but bday gurl was not happy with the taste of the mee bandung she wish for....so much for a great bday dinner..!!
highlight of the day...bday gurl did her solo concert in one of the happybox...with a cup of milo panas and teh bunga...:P
semoga tahun ni lebih baik dari tahun lepas tapi tidak sehebat tahun depan babe...!!
thanks tu pak frediswaranata Tuc Noc THai...for the sponsorship of a simple but wonderfull nite..!!
wahhh...Hepi Birthday juga DAWN..hahaha..uina Jeng, sadisdngr cerita ko neh...sob..sob..sob... ;)
Sia turut trharu la Jane... sob.. iskk... sob... (entah apa py jenis keharuan tu)... tpi ikhlas ya.. Selamat Hari Jadi yg ke-23 (spy sentiasa terasa muda)... ko juga la kawan yg bestttt dan baik hati...
Happy Birthday Dawn...Semoga persahabatan dengan jane dan kwn lain2 berkekalan..Menyentuh perasaan ko punya kata-kata jane..;p
apa pulak lah korang ni haru biru pulak...?ni 10% sj aku cakap di sini...kalo cerita 100% mesti nangis2 kan hahaha...harap lah org yg di tuju kan wish ini pun turut terharu...
fread:ikan haruan kali kan ko...
Juvi:next time k kita makan portugese grill tu sama2
gamsa hamnida, merci beaucoup, vielen dank, terima kasih & kotohuadan... love ya glams & love y'all :) hehehe... terheran heran juga amcm kita blh jd kwn kan glams? so different but still blh masuk crita jg (most of the time if not half of it hehehe)...i truly thank God for you, truly thank God for friends...and family... when we have all this... we have everything we need :) hehe of course kalau ada benda2 lain pun bagus jg kok. thanks for the memories.. and thanks for the future adventures in advance.. the best is yet to come (Prov 3:5&6; Jer 29:11; Ps 37:4)
word to sponsor: makaseh banget yahhh karna membiayai pencarian mee bandung dan mini konser di kotak ceria hehehe
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