wish me luck everybody....
update 10/4
the exam day came:
i got up..(yeah after not sleeping for almost a week...of all the day hari before exam boleh pulak tido...)
the exam place was merely 10 minutes away from my home...so decided to leave the house at 8.30am..sampai2 simpang which is about 2km from the exam place..gila jem..."apa ni???satu malaysia ka p exam ni???" it was rainning heavily too...and standed lah kalau exam2 ni...people just cut, speed and tak nak bagi way...standed culture.....it was really a survival of the sperm moment....
i reach the destination at 9.20..(exam 9 okey..) belum parking lagi tu...but i was thinking if i had to park so far away and to walk almost 1km..i better just not go...! i was turning back when i saw a road leading to the hall...wonder apasal not many people on that road...(ajaib tapi benar)..so i took that road and i ended up parkimg near Hall A...my exam place...sampai2 macam org sudah mula...duhhhhhh...exam 9am k it was 9.35am... 1st paper ends at 9.45...but cari2 tempat duduk then ah..they just started...i had no question paper and answer sheet..tapi ramai juga teda..so just rilex...we were way behind schedule so we had to go on straight 7 papers with one 15 minutes break.. SEVEN papers ok.......who ever thought of this kind of exam should take it himself.....
and gues wat smua yang aku tak pandai aku jawab nya C...C untuk cemerlang..C untuk Chanteks...C.. untuk CORRECT..!!!
feelin; wateber happens happen lah ...just that everything was a havoc...

couldnt agree more. exam really really sucks!. bikin penat, menyusahkan hidup, etc.
hahahhahaha.. i wish you all the best mare.
i need all the wishes in the world to berjaya...:D
baru rasa bertapa tensen nya lalui exam..maybe next week i will be linean to my students..hehehe..tensen n stress jg kan ...tak mau marah2 la...hahaha
wahh...hemm..at least ko dah berjaya melepasi exam itu mare!!ko dah berjaya!! sekarang serahkan la saja pada Dia..dan minta minta Dia tunaikan...hehehe..
paling susah dalam idup la kalau mau exam skrg kan..i wish mine bole pilih jawapan jugak, and for sure aku juga akan pilih "C"...100 % agredd for what "C" represented of...hehehe
..it was really a survival of the sperm moment..
wahhh.....speechless aku baca ayat tok...hahahahaha...mmg the way to explain how teruk it was la tu ayat...huhuuhu...tp worth la mare...the one for the the best...
ya serahkan saja lah sekarang ni...! kalau dapat dapat kalau tidak apa boleh buat...! memang pare...it was macam the best, the lucky..the chosen ones yg hanya boleh dapat..so aku sudah rasa pasrah aja...
better off kalau tidak dipikir lagi tu mare.
yeah...this is a chapter of life that i just wanna say atleast i tried....tiapa..k on with the next step in life...
Jane, exam apa?
uikk ada org halimunan...! exam pra perkahwinan hahaha.teda bah mo cari kerja la...
sila nyatakan nama anda yg sebenar :P
Jane, ko mo cari kerja apa?..ha.ha.. mula2 dulu x pandai mo bagi nama..
mo cari kerja yang apa2 yang menyenang kan hati juvi..ko boleh bagi kah?
klu buat kerja rumah boleh buat ko senang hati, rumah sy x org mo kasih bersih tu..ha.ha.. boleh lah klu ko mau ;p..gurau ja, jane..Carilah jane smpi ko rasa ko puas hati..Find until you found what you want..
uiii pandai ko berkata2 juvi..i will find until i find wat i want...!!
apa salah nya kasi bersih rumah ko kalau ko bayar gaji scale graduate...!
Ha..ha.. jane itu baru ko dengan 0.05% sy punya kata..belum lagi 1% ha..ha..Kasih bersih rumah ada scale gaji yang gov kasih tetap sdh kan.
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